
Record Number Sign Up for ACA Coverage in 2024

by Shreeya

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced on Wednesday that 20 million Americans have now signed up for health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act for 2024. This marks the third consecutive year that open enrollment numbers have broken previous records for the Obama-era health reform law.

According to CMS, over 8 million more people now have ACA coverage compared to when President Biden took office. The administration estimates that most enrollees will be eligible for plans that cost just $10 per month or less after tax credits.


In a statement, President Biden praised the record numbers but condemned Republican efforts to undermine the progress. He claimed their proposals would increase costs for millions, including seniors and small businesses. “That would be a catastrophe for families that could face skyrocketing prices. I will not let that happen,” Biden stated.


The sign-up period ended on December 23rd after starting in early November. To encourage enrollment, the administration distributed around $100 million in grants to organizations helping consumers through the process known as Navigators.


HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said the figures represent the highest level of insured Americans through the ACA Marketplace since its creation. “More coverage means better healthcare and lower systemwide costs,” he noted.


While celebrating the milestone, debate continues over proposals to strengthen and expand the law. Republicans argue alternative plans could work better. But Democrats and the White House maintain the ACA must be built upon to ensure affordable care remains available to all.


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