
Should You Spit Or Swallow Mucus When Ill? Expert Insights

by Shreeya

With respiratory viruses spreading across the United States, many are dealing with the common symptoms of extra mucus in the throat and chest. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts an increase in cases of COVID-19, flu, and RSV over the coming weeks. As you deal with these viruses, a common question arises: Should you spit out mucus, or is it better to swallow it? Experts weigh in on the matter.

What Is Mucus?

Mucus is a slippery substance that lines the moist areas of your body, such as the lungs, sinuses, and stomach. It’s made up of water and glycoproteins—a mixture of sugars and proteins—that make it thick and sticky. It also contains salts and molecules that help protect your body.


“Mucus acts as a lubricant and provides a barrier that filters out harmful particles, viruses, and bacteria,” says Dr. Linda Dahl, an otolaryngologist at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital.


It helps keep your airways clear by trapping debris and preventing infections.


Why Does Mucus Increase When You’re Sick?

When you’re sick, your body produces more mucus as a defense mechanism. The extra mucus contains antibodies and enzymes that help fight off bacteria and viruses. “Your body makes more mucus to protect itself from the illness,” says Dr. Andrey Filimonov, an assistant professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. This increase helps wash away harmful substances from your body.


Should You Spit Out Mucus?

Most doctors agree that spitting out mucus is a good idea. “Spitting out mucus helps clear out irritants and opens up your sinuses,” says Dr. Rakesh Chandra, an otolaryngology professor at Vanderbilt University.

Although it may feel uncomfortable, spitting mucus out helps remove harmful agents from your body, including allergens and infectious organisms. But swallowing it won’t harm your stomach, as your gastrointestinal tract will eventually break it down.

Dr. Kanwar Kelley of Side Health adds that spitting out mucus can provide temporary relief, but remember, we swallow mucus all day without even thinking about it.

How to Clear Out Mucus

While spitting out mucus is often recommended, there are several other ways to help clear it.

  1. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids helps thin mucus, making it easier to expel.
  2. Use nasal irrigation: Tools like a neti pot can help wash out mucus that traps bacteria and viruses.
  3. Try saline spray: Saline sprays can loosen mucus in the sinuses, allowing it to drain.
  4. Take a steamy shower: The steam helps loosen mucus, making it easier to clear out.
  5. Use over-the-counter medications: Medications like antihistamines and pseudoephedrine can reduce mucus production.

If you experience excessive mucus production for more than a week or notice it’s worsening, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.

In conclusion, whether you spit or swallow mucus when you’re sick depends on personal preference, but spitting it out can help clear your airways and relieve discomfort.


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