
Delayed Bonus Payments Frustrate Health Workers in England

by Shreeya

Employers express “extreme concern” as nearly 20,000 health workers in England are still awaiting a one-off payment of approximately £1,655, which was agreed upon last May. The lump sum was part of the NHS staff’s compensation package, which also included a 5% pay increase.

Initially, those employed by social enterprises in front-line NHS settings were excluded from the bonus, until November when ministers decided to allocate funding for it. However, employers are now distressed, claiming that non-NHS organizations responsible for the payments have not received any indication of when the funds will be available, and they have not been updated on the progress.


Social enterprises, often not-for-profit community organizations, take on services outsourced by the NHS in England. Employees, such as community nurses and physiotherapists, are transferred from NHS trusts but retain the same pay and conditions, even wearing NHS uniforms in some cases.


Dan Gregory, director of Social Enterprise UK, voiced the ongoing frustration, stating, “So vital staff, working hard on the front line, have now been waiting nearly a year for the government to properly fund the bonus that was agreed last spring. We remain extremely concerned that the government is not fulfilling its side of the deal to ensure that all staff delivering NHS care are paid what they deserve.”


Despite a threat of legal action by Social Enterprise UK, the government pledged to provide the necessary funds, but the delay persists. The deadline for continuing legal action expires this week, forcing Social Enterprise UK to restart the judicial-review process if needed.


CSH Surrey, a provider of community nursing and therapy services, is among the affected organizations. Chief executive Steve Flanagan expressed disappointment, saying, “To date, we have not had any feedback or communication regarding an outcome of our application.”

Speech-and-language therapist Pippa Wiseman, reflecting the sentiments of many front-line workers, expressed disappointment, saying, “To not receive this bonus has been incredibly disappointing for so many front-line people delivering NHS community services like me.”

Protests and industrial actions have erupted among various health groups, including bank staff and members of the Unite union. The Royal College of Nursing has also been advocating for its members in GP practices.

Separate pay deals have been successfully negotiated in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Responding to the concerns, a spokesperson for the Department of Health emphasized, “Whilst these staff are contractually eligible for the payments, the independent organizations are responsible for making them. As outlined in the guidance, the outcome of applications made by individual organizations for additional funding will be known by the end of the financial year.”


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