
Lower Back Pain After Yoga: What to Do

by Shreeya

Yoga is widely celebrated for its myriad health benefits, from increased flexibility and strength to stress reduction and improved mental clarity. However, like any physical activity, yoga can sometimes lead to discomfort or injury if practiced incorrectly. One common issue that many practitioners encounter is lower back pain after yoga. Understanding the causes of this pain and learning how to prevent and manage it is crucial for maintaining a safe and enjoyable yoga practice.

Understanding the Pain: Common Causes

Lower back pain after yoga can stem from various factors, including muscle strain, ligament sprain, disc issues, and improper alignment. Muscle strain occurs when muscles are overworked or stretched beyond their capacity, leading to microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. Ligament sprains involve stretching or tearing of the ligaments that support the spine, often due to sudden or excessive movements. Disc issues, such as herniated or degenerated discs, can cause pain when the soft tissue between the vertebrae becomes compressed or irritated. Improper alignment during yoga poses can also put undue stress on the lower back, leading to pain and discomfort.


Identifying Specific Poses

Certain yoga poses are notorious for potentially causing or exacerbating lower back pain, especially for beginners or individuals with pre-existing conditions. Poses that involve deep backbends, excessive twisting, or forward folds can strain the muscles and ligaments of the lower back if not performed with proper alignment and awareness. Some common culprits include:


Forward Folds: Poses like Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) can strain the hamstrings and lower back if performed with rounded spine or locked knees.


Deep Backbends: Poses like Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose) and Camel Pose can compress the lumbar spine if done without proper engagement of the core muscles.


Twists: Twisting poses like Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist) can exacerbate lower back issues if performed with forceful twisting and without proper spinal alignment.

Importance of Proper Form

Proper form and alignment are paramount in preventing injuries and pain during yoga practice. Maintaining a neutral spine, engaging the core muscles, and distributing weight evenly are essential principles to keep in mind during each pose. Additionally, paying attention to alignment cues from certified yoga instructors and modifying poses as needed based on individual limitations can help prevent strain and injury.

Immediate Relief and Management

If you experience lower back pain after yoga, it’s essential to address it promptly to prevent further discomfort and potential injury. Here are some immediate relief and management strategies:

RICE Method: The RICE method—Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation—is a standard approach for managing acute injuries. Rest the affected area, apply ice packs to reduce inflammation, use compression bandages if necessary, and elevate the legs to alleviate swelling.

Gentle Stretches: Perform gentle stretches targeting the lower back, hamstrings, and hip flexors to alleviate tension and promote flexibility. Examples include Cat-Cow Stretch, Child’s Pose, and Supine Twist.

Strengthening Exercises: Incorporate strengthening exercises for the core and back muscles to provide better support and stability for the spine. Planks, Bird-Dog Pose, and Bridge Pose are excellent options for strengthening the muscles that support the lower back.

Long-Term Solutions and Prevention

While immediate relief measures can alleviate symptoms, implementing long-term solutions and prevention strategies is essential for maintaining a healthy and pain-free yoga practice. Here are some tips:

Modifications and Alternatives: If certain poses exacerbate your lower back pain, consider modifying them or exploring alternative poses that are gentler on the back. For example, instead of deep backbends, try gentle backbends like Sphinx Pose or Cobra Pose.

Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Always incorporate proper warm-up and cool-down routines into your yoga practice to prepare the body for movement and minimize the risk of injury. Dynamic movements, such as Sun Salutations, can help warm up the muscles, while gentle stretches during the cool-down phase can promote relaxation and flexibility.

Listening to Your Body: Above all, listen to your body and honor its limitations. Avoid pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone or forcing yourself into poses that cause pain. If you experience persistent or severe pain, seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional.


In conclusion, lower back pain after yoga can be a common issue, but it’s not something that should be ignored or dismissed. By understanding the potential causes of pain, practicing proper form and alignment, and implementing appropriate relief and prevention strategies, you can enjoy the many benefits of yoga while minimizing the risk of injury. Remember to prioritize self-care and listen to your body’s signals to ensure a safe and fulfilling yoga practice.


What is the fastest way to recover from lower back pain?

The fastest way to recover from lower back pain involves a combination of rest, gentle stretching, and anti-inflammatory medication if necessary. Applying heat or ice packs to the affected area, practicing good posture, and avoiding strenuous activities can also expedite recovery.

How do you recover from yoga pain?

To recover from yoga-related discomfort, it’s essential to listen to your body. Incorporating gentle stretches, such as child’s pose or cat-cow, can alleviate muscle soreness. Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can promote overall relaxation and reduce tension in the body.

How do you fix lower back pain after working out?

Fixing lower back pain after working out requires a combination of strategies. Begin with gentle stretching exercises targeting the lower back and surrounding muscles. Consider using a foam roller to massage and release tension in tight muscles. Applying ice packs can help reduce inflammation, while over-the-counter pain relievers may alleviate discomfort. If pain persists, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

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