Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease that affects cloven – hoofed animals such as cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats. It can have a significant economic impact on the livestock industry due to its ability to spread rapidly and cause production losses. Understanding how do one get foot and mouth is transmitted is crucial for effective prevention and control.
Direct Contact with Infected Animals
Animal – to – Animal Transmission
The most common way for FMD to spread is through direct contact between infected and susceptible animals. In a herd or flock setting, an infected animal can transmit the virus to its healthy counterparts through close contact such as nose – to – nose contact, licking, or rubbing against each other. For example, in a crowded pen, a sick pig with FMD can easily pass the virus to other pigs in close proximity.
The virus is present in large quantities in the saliva, nasal secretions, milk, and feces of infected animals. When an uninfected animal comes into contact with these virus – laden substances, it can become infected. In dairy farms, calves can contract FMD from infected cows during suckling if the mother is carrying the virus.
Human – Mediated Transmission
Humans can also play a role in spreading the disease between animals. Workers who handle infected animals, such as farmers, veterinarians, or livestock transporters, can inadvertently carry the virus on their clothing, shoes, or equipment. If they then come into contact with healthy animals without proper decontamination, they can introduce the virus to the new group.
For example, a farmer who has been in a pen with FMD – infected cattle and then enters a pen of healthy sheep without changing clothes and disinfecting shoes can transfer the virus. This type of transmission highlights the importance of strict biosecurity measures for anyone who works with livestock.
Indirect Contact through Contaminated Objects
Fomites and Their Role
FMD virus can survive on various inanimate objects, known as fomites. These include equipment used in farming and livestock handling such as feed troughs, water buckets, veterinary tools, and transport vehicles. If these objects have been in contact with infected animals and are not properly cleaned and disinfected, they can act as a source of infection for other animals.
For instance, a shared feeding trough that was used by infected pigs and then used by healthy pigs without thorough cleaning can transmit the virus. The virus can survive on such surfaces for different periods depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the type of surface material. In cold and dry conditions, it can survive longer than in warm and humid environments.
Animal Products and By – products
Another way the virus can spread indirectly is through contaminated animal products and by – products. Meat, milk, and hides from infected animals can carry the virus. In some cases, if these products are not properly processed or if there is a breakdown in the supply chain’s safety protocols, the virus can spread to other areas.
For example, in regions where there is illegal movement of livestock products, FMD – contaminated meat can be a significant risk factor. The virus can also survive in processed products such as sausages or cheese made from infected animals if the heat treatment during processing is not sufficient to kill the virus.
Environmental Spread
Aerosol Transmission
FMD virus can spread through the air over short to medium distances. Infected animals release the virus into the air through coughing, sneezing, and exhalation. Wind can then carry the virus to nearby farms or pastures, infecting other animals. This type of transmission is more likely to occur in areas with high animal density and in certain weather conditions such as high winds.
For example, in a valley where multiple livestock farms are located close together, an outbreak in one farm can lead to aerosol – mediated spread to neighboring farms. The virus can travel several kilometers under favorable wind conditions, posing a significant threat to the surrounding livestock population.
Survival in the Environment
The virus can also survive in the environment such as soil and water. Infected feces can contaminate the soil, and from there, the virus can infect other animals that graze or come into contact with the contaminated ground. Similarly, water sources such as ponds and streams can become contaminated with virus – laden feces or saliva, and animals drinking from these sources can become infected.
Foot and mouth disease spreads through a variety of means, including direct contact between animals, human – mediated transmission, indirect contact via contaminated objects, and environmental spread. Given the highly contagious nature of the virus, strict biosecurity measures are essential to prevent its spread. These measures include quarantine of infected animals, proper cleaning and disinfection of equipment and facilities, and strict control over the movement of animals and animal products. By understanding the modes of transmission, farmers, veterinarians, and relevant authorities can work together to effectively combat this devastating disease and protect the livestock industry.
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