The common cold in infants is primarily caused by viruses. Rhinoviruses are the most frequent culprits, but other viruses like coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can also be responsible. Since an infant’s immune system has not built up a wide range of defenses, these viruses can easily infect them. Transmission often occurs through contact with an infected person. For example, if a family member with a cold touches the baby or their toys, and the baby then touches their face, the virus can enter their body.
Non – Medicinal Treatments for Infant Colds
Keep Your Infant Hydrated
Nasal Saline Drops
Use a Humidifier
Elevate Your Infant’s Head
When to Consider Medication
Over – the – Counter Medications
Prescription Medications
Natural Remedies
When to Seek Medical Help
Difficulty Breathing
High Fever
Persistent Symptoms
Other Signs of Illness
At What Stage Is a Cold Contagious for a Kid?