
How to Know if a Newborn Is Cold?

by gongshang14

As a doctor who has worked extensively with newborns and their families, I understand how crucial it is for parents to accurately gauge their baby’s comfort, especially when it comes to temperature. Newborns are particularly sensitive to cold due to their immature physiological systems. Their bodies are not as efficient at regulating temperature as those of older children or adults. In this article, we will explore the various signs that can help you determine if your newborn is cold, along with some psychological aspects related to a cold baby.

The Vulnerability of Newborns to Cold

Newborns have several characteristics that make them more prone to getting cold. Their body fat stores are relatively low, which means they don’t have as much insulation to keep warm. Additionally, their small bodies have a large surface area relative to their volume, causing them to lose heat more quickly. The immature nervous system in newborns also means that their ability to shiver, a natural response to generate heat in adults, is not fully developed. In fact, most newborns cannot shiver until they are around six months old. All these factors make it essential for parents to be vigilant about their baby’s temperature.

Physical Signs That a Newborn Is Cold

Cold Skin

One of the most straightforward ways to tell if a newborn is cold is by touching their skin. The hands, feet, and ears are often the first areas to feel cold. These extremities are more exposed and are major sites of heat loss. If your baby’s hands and feet feel cool to the touch, it could be a sign that they are not dressed warmly enough for the surrounding temperature. You can also gently touch the back of the baby’s neck. A cold neck indicates that the baby may be cold all over. However, it’s important to note that sometimes a baby’s hands and feet can be cool even when they are not cold overall, especially if they have been lying still for a while. So, it’s best to check multiple areas of the body.

Changes in Skin Color

Another tell – tale sign is a change in the baby’s skin color. When a newborn is cold, their body tries to conserve heat by reducing blood circulation to the peripheral areas, such as the hands and feet. As a result, the skin may look pale or even have a bluish tint. This bluish color, called cyanosis, is a serious sign that the baby is cold and may not be getting enough oxygen. You should always check your baby’s skin color in a well – lit room to accurately detect any changes. If you notice a bluish tinge, especially around the lips, fingers, or toes, it’s important to take immediate action to warm the baby up and consult a doctor if the color doesn’t improve quickly.


Just like adults, babies can get goosebumps when they are cold. Goosebumps are the body’s way of trying to trap a layer of air close to the skin to insulate it. However, in newborns, this mechanism is not as effective as in older individuals. If you see goosebumps on your baby’s skin, it’s a clear indication that they are feeling cold and need to be warmed up.

Shivering (in Older Newborns)

As mentioned earlier, most newborns cannot shiver until they are around six months old. But in some cases, older newborns may start to show a very subtle form of shivering when they are cold. This is a sign that their body is trying to generate heat. If you notice your baby’s body trembling slightly, it’s a strong indication that they are cold and need more warmth.

Behavioral Signs That a Newborn Is Cold

Crying and Fussiness

Newborns cry for many reasons, and being cold is one of them. A cold baby may cry more insistently or seem fussier than usual. The cry may have a different tone compared to when they are hungry or tired. When they are cold, their cries may be more high – pitched and continuous. Pay attention to the context of the crying. If you have just changed their diaper and they are not wet, or if they have recently been fed and are still crying, coldness could be the cause. Try warming them up by adding a layer of clothing or wrapping them in a blanket, and see if the crying subsides.

Decreased Activity and Lethargy

Cold temperatures can sap a newborn’s energy. If you notice that your baby is less active than usual, with fewer kicks, arm movements, or overall responsiveness, it could be a sign that they are cold. A cold baby may lie still in their crib, not showing the normal curiosity or movement that they usually do. They may also seem more lethargic, which means they are drowsy and have less energy. This is an important cue that should not be ignored, as a cold and lethargic baby may be at risk of more serious health problems if not warmed up promptly.

Poor Feeding or Sucking

Cold can also affect a baby’s ability to feed comfortably. If your baby is having difficulty latching onto the breast or bottle, or if they seem to be sucking less vigorously than normal, it could be because they are cold. The discomfort of the cold may distract them from feeding properly. In some cases, they may even refuse to feed altogether. If you suspect that cold is affecting your baby’s feeding, try warming them up first and then offer the breast or bottle again.

Difficulty Sleeping

A comfortable temperature is essential for a newborn’s sleep. If your baby is having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, and you have ruled out other common causes like hunger or a dirty diaper, cold could be the culprit. A cold baby may be restless in their sleep, tossing and turning, or they may wake up more frequently than usual. They may also curl up into a ball, which is a natural way for them to conserve heat. Creating a warm and cozy sleep environment can help your baby sleep better.

Psychological Aspects of a Cold Newborn

Stress and Anxiety for the Baby

When a newborn is cold, they experience a certain level of stress. Their body is working hard to try and maintain a normal temperature, and this can be physically and mentally exhausting for them. The discomfort of being cold can cause them to feel anxious, which is manifested through their crying and fussiness. From a psychological perspective, a cold baby may not feel as secure as they do when they are warm. The warmth provides a sense of comfort and safety, similar to the feeling they had in the womb. When that warmth is lacking, they may feel a sense of unease.

Impact on the Bonding Experience

For parents, not being able to quickly identify and address a baby’s cold can be stressful. It can create a sense of guilt if they feel they have not taken proper care of their baby. This stress can, in turn, affect the bonding experience between the parent and the baby. If the baby is constantly crying because they are cold, it can be challenging for the parent to engage in positive interactions like cuddling and soothing. However, by being able to recognize the signs of a cold baby and taking appropriate action, parents can reduce their own stress and enhance the bonding experience. For example, when a parent warms up a cold baby and the baby stops crying, it can be a very rewarding moment that strengthens the emotional connection between them.

What to Do If You Suspect Your Newborn Is Cold

Adjust Clothing and Bedding

If you think your baby is cold, the first thing to do is to add an extra layer of clothing. A soft, warm onesie or a light blanket wrapped around the baby can make a big difference. Make sure the clothing is not too tight, as this can restrict blood circulation and make the baby feel even colder. For bedding, use a lightweight, breathable blanket. You can also consider using a sleep sack, which is a safe alternative to loose blankets for newborns.

Warm the Room

Check the temperature of the room where your baby is. The ideal room temperature for a newborn is between 68 – 72°F (20 – 22°C). If the room is too cold, you can use a space heater to warm it up. However, make sure to place the heater out of the baby’s reach to avoid any accidents. You can also use a humidifier in the room, as dry air can make a baby feel colder. But remember to clean the humidifier regularly to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.

Skin – to – Skin Contact

Skin – to – skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, is an excellent way to warm up a cold baby. Place your nearly naked baby on your bare chest and cover both of you with a blanket. Your body heat will transfer to the baby, helping to warm them up. This also provides a sense of comfort and security for the baby, which has positive psychological benefits.

Seek Medical Advice

If you have tried warming up your baby and they still seem cold, or if you notice any of the more serious signs like cyanosis or lethargy, it’s important to seek medical advice immediately. A doctor can assess the baby’s condition and provide appropriate treatment if necessary. In some cases, a cold baby may be a sign of an underlying health problem, such as an infection, and early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.


Determining if a newborn is cold requires careful observation of both physical and behavioral signs. By being aware of these signs, you can take prompt action to keep your baby warm and comfortable. Understanding the psychological aspects of a cold baby can also help you better connect with your little one and provide the care they need. Remember, if you are ever in doubt about your baby’s temperature or well – being, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. With proper care and attention, you can ensure that your newborn stays warm and healthy in those precious early months.
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