
Can Therapists Be Depressed? Human Side of Mental Health Professionals

by Shreeya


It’s a common misconception that therapists, as mental health professionals, are immune to the very struggles they help others navigate. However, therapists are human beings first and foremost, subject to the same range of emotions and vulnerabilities as anyone else. Depression, a pervasive mental health issue affecting millions worldwide, does not discriminate based on profession. Hence, it’s essential to acknowledge that therapists can indeed experience depression, just like anyone else.


Research indicates that depression is prevalent among therapists, though exact statistics can vary. According to a study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology, approximately 19% of psychologists experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression. Another study published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy found that around 25% of therapists reported experiencing symptoms of depression at some point in their careers. These findings shed light on the reality that depression is not uncommon within the mental health profession, underscoring the importance of addressing it openly and without stigma.


Impact on Therapy:

When therapists grapple with depression, it can undoubtedly influence their approach to therapy. Managing their own mental health becomes paramount, as untreated depression can impair their ability to provide effective support to their clients. Therapists often employ various self-care strategies, such as regular therapy sessions, exercise, mindfulness practices, and setting healthy boundaries to safeguard their well-being. Seeking help from colleagues or supervisors, participating in therapist support groups, and pursuing continuing education on mental health are also vital components of their self-care regimen.


Despite these challenges, therapists are trained to compartmentalize their personal struggles and remain focused on their clients’ needs during sessions. However, it’s crucial for therapists to acknowledge and address their own mental health concerns, as neglecting them can ultimately hinder their ability to empathize with clients and deliver quality care.


Reassurance for Clients:

Clients may understandably worry about their therapist’s ability to support them effectively if they are aware of their struggles with depression. However, it’s essential to reassure clients that therapists’ personal experiences with mental health challenges can actually enhance their empathy and understanding.


Therapists undergo rigorous training and adhere to professional ethical standards that emphasize the importance of maintaining their own well-being while providing care to others. They are equipped with the skills and knowledge to navigate their own mental health journey while simultaneously supporting their clients through theirs.

Clients can also take comfort in the fact that therapists have access to a wealth of resources to support their mental health, including supervision, consultation, and peer support networks. Therapists are committed to providing the best possible care to their clients, and part of that commitment involves prioritizing their own mental health.


For therapists struggling with depression, numerous resources are available to provide support and assistance:

Therapist support groups: These groups offer a safe space for therapists to connect with peers, share experiences, and receive support from others who understand the unique challenges of the profession.

Therapy options: Therapists can benefit from engaging in their own therapy to explore their feelings, gain insight, and develop coping strategies for managing depression.

Mental health organizations: Organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA), National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) offer resources, information, and support for mental health professionals.

For clients who are concerned about their therapist’s mental health or are seeking support for their own depression, the following resources may be helpful:

Therapist directories: Websites like Psychology Today and allow users to search for therapists in their area and view profiles that include information about specialties, treatment approaches, and contact details.

Mental health hotlines: Hotlines such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK) and Crisis Text Line (text “HELLO” to 741741) offer confidential support and assistance for individuals in crisis.

Online therapy platforms: Platforms like BetterHelp and Talkspace provide convenient and accessible options for accessing therapy from licensed professionals via text, video, or phone sessions.


In conclusion, it’s essential to recognize that therapists are not immune to depression or other mental health struggles. By acknowledging this reality, we can work to destigmatize the issue and create a supportive environment where therapists feel empowered to prioritize their own well-being. Through self-care, seeking help when needed, and utilizing available resources, therapists can continue to provide compassionate and effective support to their clients while navigating their own mental health journey.


Can a psychologist get depressed?

Yes, psychologists can experience depression. They are not immune to mental health challenges, as they’re human too. Just like anyone else, they may encounter stress, burnout, or personal struggles that can lead to depression. Seeking support from peers and professional help is crucial for their well-being.

Do therapists feel sad when their clients end therapy?

Therapists may experience mixed emotions when clients end therapy. While they might feel sad about saying goodbye to a client they’ve formed a connection with, they also recognize it as a sign of progress and growth. It’s normal for therapists to experience a range of emotions in such situations.

When should you stop seeing a therapist?

You should consider stopping therapy when you’ve achieved your therapy goals, feel confident in managing challenges independently, or if the therapy no longer feels productive. Additionally, life circumstances or financial constraints might also influence the decision. Discussing termination with your therapist can help determine the right time to stop.

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