
Global Webinar to Unveil ‘Long-term Care for Older People: Package for Universal Health Coverage’

by Shreeya

On May 8, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30 CET, the global community will witness the launch of a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of life for older individuals worldwide. This initiative, titled ‘Long-term Care for Older People: Package for Universal Health Coverage,’ marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to promote healthy aging and ensure dignified care for seniors.

The genesis of this endeavor can be traced back to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s adoption of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) in 2020. Designed as a collaborative endeavor spanning diverse sectors and stakeholders, the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing seeks to catalyze a holistic approach to aging, emphasizing the importance of providing access to essential services for older populations.


Central to this vision is the fourth Action Area of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, which focuses on “Providing access to long-term care for older people who need it.” This pillar underscores the imperative of ensuring that older individuals in need of long-term care receive the necessary support to maintain functional ability, uphold basic human rights, and live with dignity. Moreover, it underscores the significance of supporting family caregivers to deliver proper care without adverse consequences.


In line with these objectives, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a comprehensive package of interventions aimed at facilitating long-term care for older individuals. To herald the launch of this transformative guidance, a webinar will be convened, providing a platform to elucidate the objectives and significance of the initiative.


The key objectives of this technical product are multifaceted:


Defining Essential Interventions: Establishing a curated list of long-term care interventions for consideration, prioritization, and implementation by countries through the seamless integration of health and social care.

Supporting Policy Implementation: Assisting governments and policymakers at the national or subnational level in the strategic planning and execution of long-term care services, thereby fostering comprehensive healthcare systems.

Recognizing Unpaid Carers: Shedding light on the indispensable role and needs of unpaid carers, who play a pivotal role in the delivery of long-term care services.

The forthcoming webinar will serve as a platform to achieve these objectives, featuring a diverse array of sessions and discussions:

Presentation of Interventions: Delving into the content and key messages encapsulated within the package of interventions, elucidating their significance in the context of universal health coverage.

Case Studies and Best Practices: Showcasing examples from various countries and programs that highlight effective approaches to the provision of critical long-term care services and interventions.

Voices of Experience: Amplifying the voices and lived experiences of older individuals, caregivers, and healthcare workers, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of the need for enhanced long-term care services.

Narrative on Integration: Crafting a compelling narrative on the importance of long-term care in response to global aging trends and advocating for its seamless integration into universal health coverage frameworks.

The launch of the publication will culminate in a global webinar, inviting participation from all relevant stakeholders committed to advancing the cause of healthy aging and equitable access to long-term care services.

In summary, the upcoming webinar represents a pivotal moment in the journey towards fostering healthy aging and ensuring dignified care for older individuals worldwide. By galvanizing collective action and fostering cross-sectoral collaboration, this initiative seeks to pave the way for a future where every older person receives the care and support they deserve.


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