
How to Clear a Stuffy Nose in Newborns?

by Shreeya

Newborns are delicate beings who require constant care and attention, especially when it comes to their respiratory health. A stuffy nose can be particularly troublesome for a newborn, making it difficult for them to breathe, feed, and sleep comfortably. This article aims to provide comprehensive information on why newborns get stuffy noses, the dangers associated with it, practical solutions to alleviate the condition, and preventive measures. Remember, this content is for informational purposes only. Always consult a doctor if your baby shows signs of serious illness.

1. Understand the Problem

Why Newborns Get Stuffy Noses

Newborns are especially prone to nasal congestion for several reasons:

Colds and Infections: Just like adults, babies can catch colds. Their immune systems are still developing, making them more susceptible to viruses that cause upper respiratory infections.

Allergies: Babies can have allergic reactions to substances such as pollen, pet dander, or dust mites. These allergies can cause nasal congestion.

Dry Air: Especially in winter or in climates with low humidity, dry air can irritate a baby’s nasal passages and lead to congestion.

Breastfeeding: During feeding, milk can sometimes enter the nasal passages, especially if the baby has a tendency to spit up. This can cause temporary congestion.

See Also: Identifying & Managing Cold Symptoms in Newborns: A Simple Guide

Dangers of a Stuffy Nose for a Newborn

A stuffy nose in newborns can pose several dangers:

Breathing Difficulties: Newborns primarily breathe through their noses, so congestion can make it hard for them to breathe.

Feeding Challenges: Nasal congestion can interfere with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, as babies need to breathe through their noses while feeding.

Sleep Disruption: A stuffy nose can make it difficult for a baby to sleep soundly, leading to restless nights and an irritable baby.

Importance of Seeking Medical Advice

While there are many home remedies to help relieve a newborn’s stuffy nose, it is crucial to consult a pediatrician if the baby shows signs of serious illness, such as:

High fever

Difficulty breathing even after clearing the nasal passages

Refusal to feed

Persistent cough

Unusual lethargy or irritability

2. Practical Solutions

Safe and Effective Home Remedies

Nasal Suction

Using a nasal aspirator or bulb syringe can help remove mucus from your baby’s nose:

Process: Gently squeeze the bulb of the syringe to expel air. Insert the tip carefully into one of the baby’s nostrils. Slowly release the bulb to suction out the mucus. Repeat on the other nostril.

Recommended Products: Nasal aspirators like the NoseFrida or traditional bulb syringes are commonly used.

Safety Precautions: Always be gentle to avoid irritating the delicate nasal tissues. Do not insert the tip too far into the nostril.


A humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help loosen mucus and relieve nasal congestion:

Benefits: Helps keep the nasal passages moist, reduces irritation from dry air, and can make breathing easier for the baby.

Types: Cool mist humidifiers are generally preferred for safety reasons, as they don’t pose a burn risk.

Saline Solution

Saline drops can help thin the mucus, making it easier to remove:

How to Use: Tilt the baby’s head slightly back and place a few saline drops into each nostril. Wait a minute or two before using a nasal aspirator to remove the loosened mucus.

Effectiveness: Saline drops are safe and can be used several times a day.


Steam can help open nasal passages and loosen mucus:

Pros: Effective in clearing nasal congestion.

Cons: Must be used with caution to avoid burns. Never bring the baby directly into contact with steam. Instead, you can create a steamy environment by running a hot shower and sitting in the bathroom with the baby for a few minutes.


Gentle massage techniques can help clear the nasal passages:

Techniques: Use your thumbs to gently massage the sides of the baby’s nose, moving down towards the cheeks. This can help move mucus out of the nasal passages.

Benefits: Can be soothing for the baby and effective in promoting mucus drainage.


Proper positioning can help with mucus drainage:

Elevate the Head: When the baby is sleeping or resting, elevate the head slightly by placing a rolled towel under the mattress (never place anything directly under the baby’s head).

Tummy Time: Supervised tummy time can also help with mucus drainage as it changes the baby’s position.

Important Tips and Precautions

Avoid Over-the-Counter Decongestants: These medications are not recommended for newborns and can be harmful.

No Essential Oils: Essential oils and strong scents can irritate the baby’s delicate respiratory system.

No Sharp Objects: Never use cotton swabs or other sharp objects in the baby’s nostrils.

Gentle Suction: Do not use a bulb syringe too forcefully as it can cause injury to the nasal passages.

Step-by-Step Guide to Clearing a Stuffy Nose

Prepare the Supplies: Have a nasal aspirator, saline drops, tissues, and a humidifier ready.

Administer Saline Drops: Tilt the baby’s head back slightly and apply a few drops of saline solution in each nostril.

Wait a Minute: Allow the saline solution to work for a minute or two to loosen the mucus.

Use the Nasal Aspirator: Gently suction out the mucus from each nostril using a nasal aspirator or bulb syringe.

Elevate the Baby’s Head: If the baby is going to sleep, elevate the head slightly to help with drainage.

Use a Humidifier: Keep a cool mist humidifier running in the baby’s room to maintain moisture in the air.

Massage: Gently massage the sides of the baby’s nose and cheeks to help move mucus out of the nasal passages.

Monitor the Baby: Keep an eye on the baby’s breathing, feeding, and overall comfort. Seek medical advice if needed.

3. Specific Concerns

Tips for Breastfeeding Babies with Stuffy Noses

Breastfeeding can be challenging for babies with nasal congestion. Here are some tips to make it easier:

Positioning: Keep the baby’s head elevated during feeding to help with breathing. Try nursing in a more upright position.

Frequent Breaks: Allow the baby to take frequent breaks during feeding to catch their breath.

Clear the Nose Before Feeding: Use saline drops and a nasal aspirator to clear the baby’s nose before breastfeeding.

Dealing with a Fussy Baby During Feeding

A stuffy nose can make a baby fussy during feeding. To manage this:

Stay Calm: Your baby can sense your anxiety. Stay calm and patient.

Comfort Measures: Use gentle rocking or a soothing voice to calm the baby.

Shorter, More Frequent Feedings: Offer smaller, more frequent feedings to ensure the baby gets enough nutrition without getting too frustrated.

Preventing Stuffy Noses in Newborns

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to prevent nasal congestion in newborns:

Maintain Humidity: Use a humidifier to keep the air moist, especially in dry climates or during winter.

Proper Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with sick individuals to prevent the spread of germs.

Vaccinations: Ensure your baby receives all recommended vaccinations to protect against respiratory infections.


By understanding the causes and dangers of nasal congestion in newborns, utilizing safe home remedies, and taking preventive measures, you can help ensure your baby stays healthy and comfortable. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and if you have any concerns about your baby’s health.


How to help a newborn with a blocked nose?

To help a newborn with a blocked nose, use saline nasal drops to loosen the mucus. Apply one or two drops in each nostril and wait a few moments. Then use a bulb syringe to gently suction out the mucus. Keeping the air humid with a humidifier and ensuring the baby is hydrated can also alleviate nasal congestion.


Is it normal for newborn to have stuffy nose?


It is normal for newborns to have a stuffy nose. Their nasal passages are small and can easily become congested due to dust, milk, or environmental irritants. Additionally, newborns are still adapting to breathing air outside the womb, which can sometimes result in minor nasal congestion.


How to clear a newborn’s nose?


To clear a newborn’s nose, start with saline nasal drops to soften the mucus. After a few moments, use a bulb syringe to carefully suction out the mucus. This can be done several times a day as needed. Keeping the baby upright and using a cool mist humidifier in the room can also help ease congestion.

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