
McGill Students’ SimpliCITY Project Addresses Housing Insecurity Crisis

by Shreeya

McGill University’s Department of Medicine EXMD 630 program celebrated a significant achievement as the team comprising Melisa Eraslan, Ashlyn Beecroft, Ria Fazulhboy, and Saleena Gul Arif secured second place at the 2024 Dobson Cup Finals with their innovative project, SimpliCITY. This digital platform, designed to assist Montreal’s homeless population, impressed judges with its potential to tackle the urgent issue of housing insecurity.

The EXMD 630 course, “Developing Digital Innovations for Health Impact,” fosters innovative thinking among students, challenging them to devise solutions to pressing clinical and public health problems. SimpliCITY emerged from this initiative as a tool aimed at providing real-time information on nearby shelters and essential services, facilitating easier navigation and access for individuals experiencing homelessness. Moreover, the platform connects various stakeholders including shelter staff, social workers, and healthcare professionals, enabling seamless information updates and communication.


“Housing insecurity has become a public health crisis in Canada. It’s important to recognize that homelessness is a social justice problem meaning we all play a role in its solution,” stated Melisa Eraslan, team leader of SimpliCITY, emphasizing the project’s broader societal impact.


Eraslan expressed gratitude to Dr. Nitika Pant Pai, whose mentorship was pivotal in guiding the team through the project’s development. “Under the guidance of Dr. Pant Pai and through the EXMD 630 course, we gained invaluable tools and frameworks in design thinking and innovation,” Eraslan remarked. “This support empowered us to confidently present our ideas and navigate the complexities of bringing SimpliCITY to fruition.”


The initiative garnered strong support within the university community, with recognition extended to key figures including Dr. Robyn Tamblyn and Dr. Susan Bartlett for their contributions to fostering an innovative environment at McGill.


Looking forward, six groups from this year’s cohort are poised to build on SimpliCITY’s success, engaging with Olivia Novac to strategize their innovations’ progression to new heights.

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