
What Will You Feel After A Panic Attack?

by Shreeya

Living with panic attacks can be a challenging experience, marked by intense episodes of fear and anxiety. While the focus often centers on managing the panic attack itself, it’s equally important to understand what comes next. The aftermath of a panic attack can leave individuals grappling with a range of emotions and physical sensations. This article delves into the various aspects of what you may feel after a panic attack, shedding light on the emotional and physical aftermath.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Experiencing a panic attack is an overwhelming and distressing event that can trigger a surge of emotions. After the panic attack subsides, individuals may find themselves grappling with a complex array of feelings. It’s common to feel a sense of exhaustion, vulnerability, and emotional drain. The aftermath of a panic attack can leave individuals feeling emotionally fragile, as if they’ve weathered a storm of intense emotions.


Can a Panic Attack Affect You the Next Day?

One of the lingering questions often asked by those who experience panic attacks is whether the effects extend beyond the immediate episode. The answer is yes— a panic attack can indeed have repercussions that linger into the next day. Individuals may find themselves feeling emotionally drained, fatigued, and even mentally foggy. This emotional hangover can impact daily functioning and make it challenging to bounce back immediately.


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The Lingering Impact on Mental Health

In the aftermath of a panic attack, individuals may grapple with heightened anxiety and worry about the possibility of another episode. This fear can contribute to a cycle of anticipatory anxiety, making it crucial to address the psychological aftermath of a panic attack. Seeking support from mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, can be instrumental in managing the emotional fallout and developing coping strategies.


Physical Sensations: Is It Normal to Feel Weird Days After a Panic Attack?

In addition to the emotional toll, the physical aftermath of a panic attack can manifest in various ways. It is not uncommon for individuals to report feeling “weird” or off in the days following an episode. This can include sensations such as muscle tension, headaches, and digestive issues. Understanding that these physical symptoms are part of the aftermath of a panic attack is essential in alleviating concerns and focusing on holistic well-being.

The Impact on Daily Functioning

A panic attack can leave individuals physically and emotionally drained, affecting their ability to engage in daily activities. It is not unusual for individuals to experience difficulty concentrating or making decisions in the aftermath of an episode. This impact on daily functioning underscores the importance of implementing self-care strategies to support recovery and restore a sense of normalcy.

Is It Normal to Be Sore the Day After a Panic Attack?

Physical symptoms can extend beyond a general feeling of being “weird” and may include soreness in various parts of the body. This is often attributed to the physiological response triggered by the fight-or-flight mechanism during a panic attack. Muscles tense up, preparing the body to respond to a perceived threat. After the threat subsides, the residual tension can leave individuals feeling sore, particularly in areas such as the neck, shoulders, and back.

Understanding Rolling Panic Attacks

While a typical panic attack is characterized by an intense surge of anxiety that peaks and then subsides, some individuals may experience what is known as a rolling panic attack. This phenomenon involves a series of successive panic attacks without a complete return to baseline between episodes. The cumulative effect of rolling panic attacks can intensify the emotional and physical aftermath, making it crucial to address the underlying causes and triggers through therapeutic interventions.

The Importance of Self-Care

Given the multifaceted impact of a panic attack, prioritizing self-care is paramount. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and gentle physical activity, can be instrumental in alleviating both the emotional and physical aftermath. Establishing a routine that includes adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise contributes to overall well-being and resilience in the face of panic attacks.

Seeking Professional Support

For individuals navigating the aftermath of panic attacks, seeking professional support is a proactive step toward holistic well-being. Therapists and mental health professionals can assist in identifying triggers, developing coping mechanisms, and addressing underlying anxiety disorders. Additionally, support groups provide a platform for individuals to share their experiences, fostering a sense of community and understanding.


In conclusion, understanding the aftermath of a panic attack is crucial for individuals seeking to manage and mitigate its impact. The emotional and physical repercussions can be multifaceted, extending beyond the immediate episode. Acknowledging the normality of feeling “weird,” sore, or emotionally drained is the first step in developing effective coping strategies. By prioritizing self-care, seeking professional support, and implementing healthy lifestyle practices, individuals can empower themselves to navigate the aftermath of panic attacks with resilience and a focus on long-term well-being.

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