
UK Doctor Admits to Attempted Murder, Injecting Poison Disguised

by Shreeya

A UK doctor has pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of his mother’s long-term partner by injecting him with a substance disguised as a COVID-19 vaccine. Thomas Kwan, posing as a nurse administering booster shots, injected 72-year-old Patrick O’Hara with what is believed to be a pesticide in January, leading to a life-threatening infection.

O’Hara developed necrotizing fasciitis, a rare flesh-eating disease, and was left fighting for his life in intensive care. Initially, Kwan denied the charges, but after the prosecution presented its case at Newcastle Crown Court, he changed his plea to guilty.


Northumbria Police revealed that Kwan went to great lengths to conceal his identity during the attack. He wore a wig, fake facial hair, and head-to-toe protective clothing, as well as tinted glasses and a surgical mask, to avoid being recognized by his mother, Jenny Leung, and her partner.


Prosecutor Thomas Makepeace described Kwan as a “respected and experienced” family doctor based in Sunderland. He said the motive behind the attack was financial, as O’Hara posed an obstacle to Kwan’s potential inheritance of his mother’s estate. Using his extensive knowledge of poisons, Kwan forged documents, altered vehicle license plates, and carried out the attack in an elaborate disguise.


“Mr. O’Hara fell for it hook, line, and sinker,” Makepeace told the court.


The day after receiving the injection, O’Hara was in severe pain, with his arm blistering. He was later hospitalized, and surgeons had to remove part of his arm to prevent the infection from spreading further. O’Hara spent several weeks in intensive care.

Hospital staff noticed that the documents Kwan provided for the supposed vaccination appointment were fake and immediately contacted the police.

Surveillance footage helped police identify Kwan as the suspect. During a search of his home, authorities discovered a variety of dangerous substances, including arsenic, liquid mercury, and castor beans, which can be used to produce the deadly poison ricin. However, police have not been able to confirm exactly what substance Kwan injected into O’Hara.

Kwan has refused to disclose the type of poison he used, which has prolonged the victim’s suffering and complicated his medical treatment.

“While the attempt on his victim’s life was thankfully unsuccessful, the effects were still catastrophic,” said Christopher Atkinson of the Crown Prosecution Service. Kwan is expected to be sentenced at a later date.

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